A law was enacted in the year 1994 called the Pre Natal Diagnostic techniques (Regulation & Prevention of Misuse ) Act No 57 of 1984. This law was amended in 2013 (amended wide Act 14 of 2003, effective 14. 02. 2013), now called the Pre conception and Pre natal diagnostic techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act.

The Act prohibits sex Selection and regulates the use of Pre conception and Pre natal diagnostic techniques so that these techniques are not misused for the purpose of detecting sex of the Foetus.


The implementing machinery for the state of Goa under this Act comprises of

  1. State Supervisory Board (15 members)
  2. State Appropriate Authority (3 Members)
  3. North Goa DistrictAppropriate Authority :- The District Magistrate, North Goa has been notified as the District Appropriate Authority for North District .
  4. South Goa District Appropriate Authority :- The District Magistrate, North Goa has been notified as the District Appropriate Authority for North District.
  5. District Advisory Committee for North Goa – (8 Member )
  6. District Advisory Committee for South Goa – (8 Member )
  7. District Inspection & Monitoring Committee for North Goa – (Members)
  8. District Inspection & Monitoring Committee for North Goa – (Members)

The State Supervisory Board has to meet atleast once in four months. It reviews the activities of the Appropriate Authority and monitors the implementation of the Act. It is also responsible for creating public awareness against the practice of Sex Selection.

The District Appropriate Authorities perform the following function:-

  • An application for registration is made to the District Appropriate Authority along with the prescribed fees. He would hold an inquiry as per the rules under the act and grant a certificate of registration on fulfillment of all the criteria.
  • It can grant, suspend or cancel registration of Genetic Clinics, Counselling Centres or Laboratories.
  • In the case of breach of provisions of the Act, it is meant to investigate complaints and take immediate action.
  • It has the power to search premises, examine any records, register, document, etc.
  • It also has the power to seize any of the above that may furnish as evidence of the commission of the offence.

The Advisory Committee of respective District is responsible for providing advice and guidance on matters of implementation and to aid the respective Appropriate Authority to discharge its functions.


Genetic clinics, Genetic Laboratories, Ultrasound Clinics or imaging Centres having ultrasound machines or imaging machines capable of sex determination have to be registered.

Registered clinics must display their certificate of registration as well as the message that sex selection is illegal.


A medical practitioner may get an imprisonment for a term that may extend to 3 years and with a fine that may extend upto Rs. 10, 000/- and on any subsequent condition, he/ she may get an imprisonment that may extend to 5 years and with a fine that may extend to Rs 50, 000/-

The name of the medical practitioner would be reported to the State Medical Council by the Appropriate Authority for taking necessary action.

Any person who seeks the aid of any establishment and professionals for the purpose of sex selection would be punished with imprisonment for a term that may extend to 3 years and with a fine that may extend to Rs. 50, 000/- and on any subsequent condition, with imprisonment that may extend to 5 years and with a fine that may extend to Rs 1, 00, 000/-

No person, organisation, Genetic clinic or Genetic laboratory shall issue, publish or distribute an advertisement in any manner regarding sex selection.

An offence under this law is cognizable, non- bailable and non – compoundable.

Every Genetic clinic is required to maintain Form F (form for maintenance of records in respect of pregnant women). For better reporting, monitoring and analysis, online filling of F-form by all registered ultrasound clinics and submission to Appropriate Authority has been initiated  under NIC Software. Efforts are made to ensure that all the registered USG centers in the Government Institutionsas well as private institutions of North and South Goa districts start utilizing the software developed by GEL, Panaji Goa compulsorily for online reporting of F- form.

Advertisement for Six Months Training Course in Ultrasonography for M.B.B.S Doctors – 16th Batch

Prospectus for Six Months Training Course in Ultrasonography for M.B.B.S Doctors – 16th Batch

PC-PNDT Acts and Rules


PC-PNDT Notifications

Six month training rule under PCPNDT Act 1994

Advertisement for Six month Training in Ultrasonography for M.B.B.S doctors – 3rd Batch

Latest Amendment to PC-PNDT Rules,1996 –  Notification No G.S.R. No 599(E) sated 19th June 2017

                                               Grievance Redressal Mechanism

State of Goa                                                                              State of Maharashtra

For complaints, please email:-                                       

Email Id: pcpndtstate.goa@gov.in                               Email : www.amchimulgi.gov.in

Contact No: (SFWB) 0832-2225976                             Toll free No: 1800-233-4475